Welcome to Alder Creek Library
At Alder Creek Middle School we have a Library-Media Center. It is a multi-use facility offering over 10,000 books, computers, board games, audio-tapes, and videos. We have a iMac Research Center as well as 33 Chromebooks for our Laptop Lab. Large scale projection is available from our 90" TV to assist with curriculum instruction. eBooks are continually added to our Library collection!
Resources for the library are chosen from parent, teacher and student recommendations, book reviews, award winners, state lists and ALA suggestions. Students can check-out books for two weeks at a time. Books may be renewed two times. Students must return/replace any overdue books before checking out new library materials.
eBook Instructions
Library Catalog
Library Website
Linsday LeCorps
(530) 582-2750 Ext 28329